Emergency Sandbag Shelter and Eco-Villages

Today’s globalized civillization is geared towards the end product, and selling it. Everyone wants to have an end product that is repeatable, scaleable, and saleable. New-Earth’s work does not dispute that, but it is not our focus. We see the process and the person as inseparable from the end result. As innovators, we must always return to the universe’s timeless principles, and seek only the essence as the inspiration for a new project. When we learn and work with these timeless principles in the spirit of unity, only then can we be sure of the appropriateness of the end product.

Our workshops for 2015 will be located in diverse countries, and we hope that you can join us. We will be building with “earth” and working with sustainable gardens, as well other practices, in the  spirit of “research and insearch”.


This book was written over a period of almost 15 years and is not only an easy-to use manual, but woven into its text and its 700 photos and drawings is the development of a new technology. This technology was awarded one of the highest prizes in architecture in the world, the Aga Khan award for architecture, for a small and temporary refugee shelter because of what it represented, and thus a new category was created for it by the Judges, called “Prototype”. A prototype is not so much an end point as a starting point, a template, an idea that must go into application in diverse scenarios…..not repeated blindly as a machine repeats, but evolving consciously into every needed scenario.

Every Prototype is developed from certain timeless principles, and ultimately from a single origin, and an earth dome tells this story while being a practical product.

For how-to courses in Sandbag Shelter and Earth Architecture we recommend our friends and colleagues, Domoterra in Spain and Italy, the Instituto Omati/Superadobe Dojo in Guatemala and Cal-Earth Institute in California USA. For those who have already learned how to build in this way, you have in fact learned everything you need to know hands-on.

If you are interested in taking the next step to learn in-depth about the timeless principles which can help you become an innovator, then our workshops are for you. We cannot guarantee that they will focus only on Sandbag Shelter or building with earth, as they may include other arts and techniques which we feel are part of building an Eco-Village, but we can guarantee that this is the best way we have found so far to pass on the knowledge gained over the last 25 years working with earth.




“Within the hearts of all living entities resides the Supreme Lord, O Arjuna, and by the potency of the illusory energy orchestrates the movements of all living entities like figurines on a carousel

Just surrender solely unto Him, completely in every way, O Arjuna; by His grace you will receive transcendental peace and the eternal abode” – Bhagavad Gita 18:61 & 62

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