This 8-day course provided sessions in superadobe theory and practice that saw New Earth UK partner once more with Small Earth. Held at the Threshholds Centre in the heart of Shropshire, the course brought a variety of people together all with different professions and backgrounds. The course worked to develop their skills in Earth-Architecture and Construction.
Program included:
- How Earth-masonry works in harmony with universal laws and elements.
- An introduction to 3,000 years of Masonry and 4,000 years of Ceramic arts.
- Addressing 21st Century needs; homelessness, climate change, disasters of war and peak oil economics.
- Informal evening discussions; knowledge-sharing in building laws, techniques and technology of Sustainability.
- Practical design/ construction workshops in Dome building, dry-pack and the physics of archways.
- Team building principles, how to work with the human spirit, playfulness, laughter and hands-on experience.